Category: Tech

GitHub Project – PS-PetName

Today has not been my most focused day.  Luckily for you all!

It all started well, I was in the middle of a technical planning discussion and wanted to put my opinion forward.  When suddenly I realized: I was about to make a strong statement about some software I had never actually used.

In technical circles this is known as “being a jerk”.

So, I bit my tongue and decided to go try it out.  However, trying out this software meant setting up multiple systems and following a relatively complicated process.  After an hour of slogging through this – I decided it was time to start automating the process.  ‘cause coding is fun.

After a bit of coding – I found that I needed to name a bunch of virtual machines. 

Now – if you have ever used Docker you know that you do not need to name containers.  It does it for you:

Docker Screenshot

Continue reading “GitHub Project – PS-PetName”

PowerShell Hack – Finding VMs with missing VHDs

I am constantly creating virtual machines, fiddling with them for a bit and then forgetting about them. After a while I end up with a bunch of virtual machines listed in Hyper-V Manager where I have manually deleted or moved the files for half of them.

It can be a real pain to go through and clean this up. Luckily, PowerShell comes to the rescue here! With a simple PowerShell snippet I can list all the virtual machines on my system – and see which ones no longer have virtual hard disk files. I can then easily delete those virtual machines.

This snippet:

get-vm | Get-VMHardDiskDrive | %{write-host $_.VMName.PadRight(40) ":: VHD Exists :: "-NoNewline; Test-Path $_.Path}
  • Gets all virtual machines on the system
  • Gets the virtual hard disks on each virtual machine
  • Runs Test-Path on each virtual hard disk
  • Formats the results

The output on my computer is like this:


Virtual Machines do not boot after moving from Windows Server 2012 R2 to Windows Server 2019

UPDATE: This issue is now resolved in the 2019-05-21 cumulative update (KB4497934)

In the last couple of weeks, we have been hearing reports from customers who are encountering problems after migrating virtual machines directly from Windows Server 2012 R2 to Windows Server 2019. People are seeing error messages like the following:

Critical 03/01/2019 16:13:49 Hyper-V-Worker 18604 None
‘Test VM 1’ has encountered a fatal error but a memory dump could not be generated. Error 0x2. If the problem persists, contact Product Support for the guest operating system. (Virtual machine ID 90B45891-E0EB-4842-8070-F30FF25C663A)

Continue reading “Virtual Machines do not boot after moving from Windows Server 2012 R2 to Windows Server 2019”

Making Ubuntu on Windows a bit more Authentic

I am a huge fan of the ability to run Ubuntu on Windows as part of the Windows Subsystem for Linux.  I was heavily involved in the business and technical discussions around bringing this solution to market.  My team is now responsible for the ongoing development and improvement of the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

However, there is one thing that has always bugged me when I am using Ubuntu on Windows.  And that is that the font is not quite right.  You see, the Windows Command Prompt uses the Consolas font by default – however Canonical uses the Ubuntu Monospace font for their consoles.

Updated – 1/2/2018 – 9:55pm – Added color information!

Continue reading “Making Ubuntu on Windows a bit more Authentic”


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